$19 Billion given as EHR Incentives!! How about you???
The dawn of Meaningful Use (MU) program back in 2010 meant increased incentives, in multiple stages, for physicians and hospitals making use of a Meaningful Use Certified EHR. The federal agency within the Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recently revealed the fact that more than $19 Billion has been reimbursed as incentives for the meaningful use program.
According to the data from CMS, at the end of 2013, there were close to 450,000 registered providers who were participating in the EHR incentive program. About 88% of Eligible Hospitals (EHs) have received an incentive till date. CMS also stated that:
With reference to Stage 2 Meaningful Use program, CMS pointed out the fact that out of the physicians who intend to participate in the program, 19% of them have adopted all the 14 out of 17 Stage 2 Core objectives.
Related Article : ViSolve’s Meaningful Use capabilities proven
Want to qualify for MU Incentives?
ViSolve understands your need for a Certified EHR. But does your EHR have the required functionalities for it to be compliant with Meaningful Use requirements? If you require us to do an evaluation of your product, then that is where we can help you. Call us at +1-(408)-850-2243 or shoot us an email to [email protected]. ViSolve has considerable experience working with certification bodies such as ICSA Labs, Drummond. We have helped EHR companies traverse the labyrinth of Meaningful Use certification.
Check out the MEANINGFUL USE CONSULTING section our website to understand more about Meaningful Use and our process involved in getting your EHR certified.
So what are you waiting for? ViSolve is your Trusted Partner to Leapfrog the Competition!!!