Physician practices, be it private or hospital-employed, are confronted with increasing challenges to stay competitive. ViSolve addresses the primary challenges of the practices through its services and lets doctors do what they do best- care for their patients.
What are your current practice needs?
Implementing Your First EMR/EHR Solution
In general, hospitals and clinics can readily benefit from an EMR/EHR solution, which includes faster access to patient data, enhanced patient care, safety, outcome, increased revenue, and increased efficiency through integration with clinical and financial systems.
But for a successful implementation, understanding the process is very important as no two healthcare organizations are the same. Considering the following steps can take your implementation process a long way:
The success of electronic medical/health records adoption by your organization depends on how effectively you respond to the above steps. Your organization can get this done with help of your internal expertise or you may outsource to experts like us who have done many such implementation over the years for many practices.
Contact Us
If you need help in implementing your first EMR/EHR system, be it web browser based or otherwise, email us at [email protected] or call us at (408) 850 2243.
Replacing your current EMR? You are not alone!
As per industry reports, the current trend is to replace EHR system as customers are dissatisfied with their vendor choice and prefer to opt for a solution that would better fit the needs of their practice and physicians. The reasons for such a change are driven by many factors:
ViSolve advocates open source solutions to help Practices and Physicians meet their needs at the most cost-effective way possible. ViSolve’s services and solutions have met these evolving needs, providing flexible modes of date entry.
We understand that replacing your EHR is a tough decision but practices are electing for the move now as added financial incentives are provided to meaningful EHR users. When replacing your EHR it is important to review how your extracted clinical data will populate the new system. We can work with you closely to enable a smooth transition from one EHR to the other. We can help you to convert and load the data into the new EHR solution.
Contact Us
To know how we can help you, please write to us at [email protected] or call us at (408) 850 2243.
Connecting EMR/EHR with Labs
Connecting physician’s EMR/EHR system with Lab’s LIS system is essential to send orders and report results electronically and satisfy Meaningful Use requirement. But connecting disparate systems is not easy and requires significant investment in time and money. Other issues include mapping of test codes & methodologies used among different lab providers, physician’s preferences to route orders to a particular lab, specialty, insurance, etc.
ViSolve offers two ways to overcome the challenge:
Contact Us
For assistance to get your EMR connected with labs, please write to us at [email protected] or call us at (408) 850 2243.
Meaningful Use Stage 2 and Beyond
Meaningful Use (MU) Stage 2 Final Rule and Standards and Certification Criteria for EHRs were released in September 4, 2012 by CMS. It states the requirements for the next stage of EHR meaningful use for the EHR incentive programs. For eligible providers, MU Stage 2 begins from January 2014.
The Stage 2 final rules emphasizes on clinical patient information, patient engagement and quality measurement. There are few characteristics of the Stage 2 objectives that you may want to note:
Click here to know more about Meaningful Use Stage 2 Final Rules
Click here to know more about our Meaningful Use Stage 2 Consulting Services
Contact Us
You can directly write to us at [email protected] to know how we can help you with our Meaningful Use services or call us at (408) 850 2243.
ICD-10 Transition
ICD-10 transition affects the very structure of the clinical and administrative systems that capture and report diagnosis codes. Updating these systems and ensuring compatibility is no mean task. Connecting with other stakeholders with whom the data will be shared is also challenging. Due evaluation and modification is required especially if you are running your practice in paper or client/server technology.
Please click here to know about our ICD-10 Assessment, Impact Analysis and Planning Services offering to evaluate the risk and how we can help you overcome the challenge and enable a smooth transition to ICD-10 without affecting your patient care.
To know more about ICD-10 check out our ICD-10 FAQ section. ^Up